Assignment: Principles of Biology and COVID 19 Pandemic Paper

Assignment: Principles of Biology and COVID 19 Pandemic Paper

Assignment: Principles of Biology and COVID 19 Pandemic Paper

Principles of Biology Final Paper
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Write a narrative discussion on covid-19 that covers the following points

What types of virus is covid-19 what class of virus does it fall under DNA or RNA

why is covid-19 so prevalent in the population how does it spread and what are the symptoms

which groups of people are more susceptible

what are the global statistics on covid-19 { include statistics from Texas state}
discuss one misconception about the virus? for example (do not use this one) Covid-19 will not spread in hot weather which is false
what are the long-term soul social Economic and global impacts of this pandemic

All living things have mechanisms for homeostasis. Homeostasis is one of four basic principles or theories that explain the structure and function of all species (including our own). Whether biologists are interested in ancient life, the life of bacteria, or how humans could live on Mars, they base their understanding of biology on these unifying principles:

Cell theory
Gene theory
Evolutionary theory
Cell Theory
According to cell theory, all living things are made of cells, and living cells come only from other living cells. Each living thing begins life as a single cell. Some living things, including bacteria, remain single-celled. Other living things, including plants and animals, grow and develop into many cells. Your own body is made up of an amazing 100 trillion cells. But even you — like all other living things — began life as a single cell.

Watch this TED-Ed video about the origin of cell theory:

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The Wacky History of Cell Theory – Lauren Royal-Woods, TED-Ed, 2012

Gene Theory
Gene theory is the idea that the characteristics of living things are controlled by genes, which are passed from parents to their offspring. Genes are located on larger structures called chromosomes. Chromosomes are found inside every cell, and they consist of molecules of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). Those molecules of DNA are encoded with instructions that “tell” cells how to behave.

Homeostasis, or the condition in which a system is maintained in a more-or-less steady state, is a characteristic of individual living things, like the human ability to sweat. Homeostasis also applies to the entire biosphere, wherever life is found on Earth. Consider the concentration of oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere. Oxygen makes up 21 per cent of the atmosphere, and this concentration is fairly constant. What maintains this homeostasis in the atmosphere? The answer is living things.

Most living things need oxygen to survive, so they remove oxygen from the air. On the other hand, many living things, including plants, give off oxygen when they convert carbon dioxide and water to food in the process of photosynthesis. These two processes balance out so the air maintains a constant level of oxygen.

Evolutionary Theory
A chameleon on a branch, surrounded by foliage. The chameleon is camouflaged to blend into its surroundings.
Figure 2.3.2 A chameleon exhibits its colour changing adaptation to match its background.
Evolution is a change in the characteristics of populations of living things over time. Evolution can occur by a process called natural selection, which results from random genetic mutations in a population. If these mutations lead to changes that allow the living things to better survive, then their chances of surviving and reproducing in a given environment increase. They will then pass more genes to the next generation. Over many generations, this can lead to major changes in the characteristics of those living things. Evolution explains how living things are changing today, as well as how modern living things descended from ancient life forms that no longer exist on Earth.

Traits that help living things survive and reproduce in a given environment are called adaptations. You can see an obvious adaptation in the image below. The chameleon is famous for its ability to change its colour to match its background as camouflage. Using camouflage, the chameleon can hide in plain sight.


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