Nursing Home Compare

Go to (  and search for a nursing facility that you have visited in the past.   If you have never visited a nursing facility in the United States,  select one from Bowling Green, ky (zip code 42101) or your hometown. Note how your selected nursing facility rates in each of the following quality measurement categories:…

Discussion response to peers

discussion 1 Even though I am currently conducting a research for a cardiologist, I was not too familiar of the steps involved prior to conducting a research study. This class has advanced my knowledge of the overall research process. It takes time, knowledge, experience, evidence-based practice and thoroughness when developing a proposed research. My proposed…

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Create a 5–6-page cost benefit analysis that supports a risk financing recommendation for a selected organization. Note: The assessments in this course build upon each other, so you are strongly encouraged to complete them in a sequence. In your current and future role as a health care leader, you can expect to conduct a cost-benefit…