Medicare and Medicaid

There are two major forces acting against each other when it comes to government healthcare programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. On one end, you have the forces pushing to privatize the programs and to relinquish the government’s role in providing healthcare. On the other end, you have the forces wanting to expand these types…

Changing Allele Frequencies

Respond to the following: Explained why the increased prevalence of sickle-cell disease among African Americans has more to do with the environmental factors than the skin color or other phenotypes used to define races. (10) Described other examples of balanced polymorphism. (10) Identified a population group (other than African Americans) with a high prevalence of sickle-cell…

Introduction to healthcare

Part I: The PPACA is considered the most comprehensive federal law on health care since the inception of Medicare and Medicaid. Examine three key elements of the act that you believe will be the most positive for the country (in your examination, you must include reasons behind your selection of these three elements). Examine three…

Moving Data to Wisdom

Reflect on the content from your readings and this week’s lesson. Then, think of a recent experience and describe how you mentally moved data through the stages of information and knowledge to wisdom. What information system(s) helped you move from data to wisdom? Keep this short like assessing a patient for congestive heart failure. How…

Disaster Risk Index

You never know all the risks but the insurance companies are up on it. There is also a Disaster Risk Index that is used to assess disasters in the world. This is a United Nations tool and allows them to assess how much and how many countries need to respond to a disaster.