NURS 8100 Week 11: Policy and Practice

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NURS 8100/8100F/8100M/8100A Week 11: Policy and Practice

As noted in Understanding Health Policy, “policies tend to evolve in a cyclical process of finding solutions that create new problems that require new solutions,” (p. 205). The tensions created by the pulls between quality care and cost containment, for instance, or between caring for the individual and concern with the common good, arise as new policies are introduced at all levels: national, state, local, and institutional. When this occurs, new procedures may need to be implemented in the practice setting.

This week, you will reflect on the implications of health care policies for consumers and health care providers. You will also consider the reciprocal relationship between policy and practice as you explore how policy influences nursing practice and how evidence-based nursing practice influences policy. Additionally, you will propose a strategy for how nurses can advocate for themselves, their patients, and the profession through involvement in health care policy.

Note: This week you will complete the Discussion in a small group. Your instructor will notify you of your group assignment by Day 1 of this week.

Learning Objectives

Students will: 

  • Assess the implications of various policy options and solutions to consumers of health care and nursing practice
  • Outline current evidence that supports suggested options and solutions to a policy issue
  • Propose an advocacy strategy nurses may employ to address a practice issue through the policy process

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Health care policy can facilitate or impede the delivery of services. For the past several weeks, you have been engaging in an authentic activity by critically analyzing a specific health care policy and various aspects of the impact associated with its implementation. A critical step in the policy process is communicating your findings with others. This week, you will share information from your policy analysis and its implications.

To prepare:

  • Briefly summarize your policy analysis, focusing on the implications for clinical practice that may be most relevant or interesting for your colleagues. Include how evidence-based practice influenced the policy, policy options, or solutions.

By Day 3

Post a 1- to 2-paragraph succinct summary of your policy analysis paper. Include at least two of the options or solutions for addressing the policy and the resulting implications for nursing practice and health care consumers.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.

By Day 5

Respond to at least two of your colleagues sharing insights or contrasting perspectives based on readings and evidence, and the practice implications of the policy.

Note: Please see the Syllabus and Discussion Rubric for formal Discussion question posting and response evaluation criteria.

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Discussion 2: Advocating Through Policy

As noted by Dr. Stanley and Dr. White in this week’s media presentation, professional nurses should be engaging in advocacy efforts to improve health and nursing practice through involvement in the policy process at the institutional, local, state, or federal levels. This array of possibilities for involvement provides opportunities for all nurses, regardless of time, or other possible constraints. Successful policy making is a collaborative effort, and one that commands mutual respect from all involved. Your involvement in policy making can lead to expanded opportunities as both a nurse leader and as a respected member of an interprofessional health care team.

Note: This Discussion provides a forum for discussing advocacy opportunities and honing your presentation skills in a small group setting.

To prepare: NURS8100/8100F/8100M/8100A: Healthcare Policy and Advocacy Essay Assignment

  • Reflect on the insights offered by Dr. Stanley and Dr. White on engaging in advocacy through the policy process.
  • Identify a practice issue that is of interest to you and that could benefit from advocacy efforts through the policy process.
  • Consider the stakeholders and any special interest or professional organizations that would support your issue.
  • Develop a short, yet persuasive PowerPoint (up to 3 slides) as follows:
    • Identify the practice issue that would benefit from being addressed through the policy process
    • Represent the key stakeholders (i.e. use graphical images when possible)
    • Propose one strategy for how a nurse could advocate for this issue

The PowerPoint should be succinct, visually appealing, and effective.

By Day 4

Post your PowerPoint presentation.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.

By Day 6

Review each group member’s PowerPoint presentation and offer constructive feedback on:

  • Style and quality of the PowerPoint
  • Persuasiveness
  • Clarity
  • Representation of stakeholders, such as additional individuals/groups that could be included
  • Strategy proposal

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NURS 8100 Week 11: Policy and Practice

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