NURS 6720 Week 7: Partnerships
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NURS 6720: Population-based Public Health Nursing Interventions | Week 7
NURS 6720 Week 7: Partnerships
It does not matter how good a public health program is, that it is led and staffed by qualified people, that it has funding, and that it has all the best practice quality indicators present. If the intervention is missing true community partnership and buy-in, it will fail.
Essential to achieving the desired outcomes of public health interventions is the active participation of the community. The creation of partnerships to promote community health goes to the heart of the definition of public health. Collaborative partnerships for public health means the full engagement of all individuals who have a stake in the health of the community, from its residents to providers and organizations at the local, regional, state, and national levels. Review the Community as Partner Model (Anderson & McFarland, 2015) to identify the multiple stakeholders who have a vested interest in the health of a community.
This week, through the learning resources you will explore how agencies work with community stakeholders to establish partnerships in achieving program goals, focusing on your practicum placement agency’s approach to community partnership specifically. In addition, you will complete and submit your Practicum Time Log and Journal.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
- Analyze how agencies gain input from the community
- Analyze how agencies set priorities
- Analyze methods for developing effective partnerships
- Create detailed time logs
- Analyze practicum experience problems, issues, or situations
- Apply evidence-based concepts, principles, and theories to practicum experiences
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Discussion 1: Partnerships
“Without question, collaborative efforts to improve health are essential. Working together, sharing resources, and combining talents enhance the opportunities and likelihood for achieving positive health outcomes. Because of the complexity and cost of today’s health environment, public health agencies and others involved in prevention efforts cannot afford to work in isolation…” (
For this Discussion, you will examine nuances associated with effective partnership for the achievement of positive health outcomes and discuss your placement agency’s approach.
To Prepare
- Review this week’s Learning Resources
- Reflect on your experience, observations, and knowledge gained during your agency placement.
- Consider some partners that interact with the agency, what do they have to gain or lose based on the agency’s effectiveness?
- Discuss the discussion post questions with your agency preceptor
By Day 3
Post a response to the following questions:
- How does the agency gain input from the community on their programming?
- How are priorities set by the agency?
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses
By Day 6
Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days by suggesting an alternative way to gain input from partners or set priorities and a suggestion for how to improve effectiveness with partnerships based on your current or past community agency experience.
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Discussion 2: Open Forum: Developing a Public Health Plan
Peer feedback, collaboration, and idea exchange contribute to the development of your knowledge and skills in public health nursing and overall development as a professional.
Throughout the week use this Discussion area to:
- Share resources relevant to this course that you have found helpful (articles, websites, academic resources)
- Ask questions and/or advice related to the development of your public health program design
- Share insights and/or challenges from your practicum site experiences
- Share insights and/or challenges regarding logic model development
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