Neural Tissues-Neurons

Neural Tissues-Neurons

Neural Tissues-Neurons

All neurons are neural tissues, but not all neural tissues are neurons. list 5 neuroglial cell types and give it’s function.

Nervous tissue is composed of neurons, also called nerve cells, and neuroglial cells. Four types of neuroglia found in the CNS are astrocytes, microglial cells, ependymal cells, and oligodendrocytes. Two types of neuroglia found in the PNS are satellite cells and Schwann cells. In the central nervous system (CNS), the tissue types found are grey matter and white matter. The tissue is categorized by its neuronal and neuroglial components.[2]

Neurons are cells with specialized features that allow them to receive and facilitate nerve impulses, or action potentials, across their membrane to the next neuron.[3] They possess a large cell body (soma), with cell projections called dendrites and an axon. Dendrites are thin, branching projections that receive electrochemical signaling (neurotransmitters) to create a change in voltage in the cell. Axons are long projections that carry the action potential away from the cell body toward the next neuron. The bulb-like end of the axon, called the axon terminal, is separated from the dendrite of the following neuron by a small gap called a synaptic cleft. When the action potential travels to the axon terminal, neurotransmitters are released across the synapse and bind to the post-synaptic receptors, continuing the nerve impulse.[4]

Neurons are classified both functionally and structurally.

Functional classification:[5]

Sensory neurons (afferent): Relay sensory information in the form of an action potential (nerve impulse) from the PNS to the CNS
Motor neurons (efferent): Relay an action potential out of the CNS to the proper effector (muscles, glands)
Interneurons: Cells that form connections between neurons and whose processes are limited to a single local area in the brain or spinal cord
Structural classification:[5]

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Multipolar neurons: Have 3 or more processes coming off the soma (cell body). They are the major neuron type in the CNS and

Neural Tissues-Neurons
Neural Tissues-Neurons

include interneurons and motor neurons.
Bipolar neurons: Sensory neurons that have two processes coming off the soma, one dendrite and one axon
Pseudounipolar neurons: Sensory neurons that have one process that splits into two branches, forming the axon and dendrite
Unipolar brush cells: Are excitatory glutamatergic interneurons that have a single short dendrite terminating in a brush-like tuft of dendrioles. These are found in the granular layer of the cerebellum.
Neuroglia encompasses the non-neural cells in nervous tissue that provide various crucial supportive functions for neurons. They are smaller than neurons, and vary in structure according to their function.[4]

Neuroglial cells are classified as follows:[6]

Microglial cells: Microglia are macrophage cells that make up the primary immune system for the CNS.[7] They are the smallest neuroglial cell.
Astrocytes: Star-shaped macroglial cells with many processes found in the CNS. They are the most abundant cell type in the brain, and are intrinsic to a healthy CNS.[8]
Oligodendrocytes: CNS cells with very few processes. They form myelin sheaths on the axons of a neuron, which are lipid-based insulation that increases the speed at which the action potential, can travel down the axon.[5]
NG2 glia: CNS cells that are distinct from astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and microglia, and serve as the developmental precursors of oligodendrocytes[6]
Schwann cells: The PNS equivalent of oligodendrocytes, they help maintain axons and form myelin sheaths in the PNS.[5]
Satellite glial cell: Line the surface of neuron cell bodies in ganglia (groups of nerve body cells bundled or connected together in the PNS)[9]
Enteric glia: Found in the enteric nervous system, within the gastrointestinal tract.[10]


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