HSC 4931 Health and Human Services
HSC 4931 Health and Human Services essay assignment
HSC 4931 Health and Human Services essay assignment
This week, students were asked to attend a PreCapstone Orientation webinar to help clarify any confusion about the course and what is expected. During the webinar you were asked to post your name in the chat box so your attendance at the webinar is recorded.
In this discussion forum, I would like you to share (in at least 150 words) something you learned about the PreCapstone or Capstone you did not previously know.
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You will need to post first before reading other students’ comments. Only the first post will be graded; do not edit this post as this may result in a list of some/all of the points for this post. If you want to add to it, reply to your original post.
You are welcome to provide supportive feedback to peers but no replies are required.