HSC 300 CNUAS Health Inequalities Presentation

HSC 300 CNUAS Health Inequalities Presentation essay assignment

HSC 300 CNUAS Health Inequalities Presentation essay assignment


Marmot MG: Social Differentials in Health within and between Populations – PDF Document (2.09 MB)

Marmot MG, Bell R: Action on Health Disparities in the United States – PDF Document (63.3 KB)

  1. Marmot MG, Allen JJ: Social Determinants of Health Equity – PDF Document (876.2 KB)

Phelan JC, Link BG, Tehranifar P: Social Conditions as Fundamental Causes of Health Inequalities – PDF Document (220.3 KB)

Get solution to your nursing paper : HSC 300 CNUAS Health Inequalities Presentation

Create a Keynote/PowerPoint presentation on all of the following topics

  1. The evidence documenting social inequalities in health

Define the social gradient in morbidity and mortality, including examples

The relationship between socioeconomic status and inequalities in health

  1. Methods of utilizing the social determinants of health to improve population health

Implications for healthcare policy and specific action plans to reduce health inequalities