HC 405 HU Preadmission Screening

HC 405 HU Preadmission Screening essay assignment

HC 405 HU Preadmission Screening essay assignment

After reading Chapter 8, we will use the criteria from the case study on pages 157-1158. Review the criteria set in Table 8.4 (p. 157) and the history and physical report in Figure 8.5 (p. 158), and compare the patient’s history with the admission criteria to determine whether the patient meets criteria for admission to the hospital. To qualify, the patient must meet at least one criterion in the severity of illness and one criterion in the intensity of service.

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  • Identify at least one criterion in each of these categories (severity of illness and intensity of service).
  • Explain why it meets the requirements for admission to the hospital.
  • Then summarize why the preadmission screening process is an important component of the continuum of care. (NOTE: do not address the customer satisfaction questions in the case study “Project Application” section – we are only concerned with the admission criteria).
  • Prepare an APA-style paper that includes the following elements:
    • Introduction: Why do we need criteria to assess preadmission, care management and discharge processes
    • Body: Identify the criteria that meet requirements for hospital admission (one from the severity of the illness category and one from the intensity of service category).
    • Conclusion: Summarize why the preadmission process is so important, what negative outcomes can happen if patients are not appropriately screened? What are the implications for the hospital (financial or otherwise), for the patient?

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