Visit the South University Online Library and research for current scholarly evidence (no older than 5 years) to support your nursing actions. In addition, consider visiting government sites such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), and Healthy People 2020. Provide a detailed scientific rationale justifying the inclusion of this evidence in your plan.
Download and analyze the case study for this week. Create a holistic care plan for disease prevention, health promotion, and acute care of the patient in the clinical case. Your care plan should be based on current evidence and nursing standards of care.
Next determine the ICD-10 classification (diagnoses). The International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) is the official system used in the United States to classify and assign codes to health conditions and related informat.


You are expected to develop a comprehensive care plan based on your assessment, diagnosis, and advanced nursing interventions. Reflect on what you have learned about care plans through independent research and peer discussions, and incorporate the knowledge that you have gained into your patient’s care plan.
Genitourinary Case Study
Patient Initials __28-year-old Female
Subjective Data: 28-year-old female presents to the clinic with history of burning pain upon urination, increased lower abdominal pain and vaginal discharge of the past week;
Chief Compliant: complaints of urinary symptoms similar to those of previous UTIs started two days ago also complains of severe lower abdominal pain and follow smelling brown discharge’
History of Present Illness: the patient complains of urinary symptoms like those of previous urinary tract infection. started two days ago; patient is also experiencing severe lower abdominal pain is noted to have Brown foul smelling discharge, following of unprotective intercourse with her boyfriend.
PMH UTIs, patient has three this year, gonorrhea x 2, chlamydia times x1 Gravida IV III
Medical/Surgical History: the patient reports tubal ligation two years ago
Significant Family History: none
Social History:   pt is single with multiple sexual partners. Patient has three children, denies smoking alcohol or drug use.
Medication history: patient does not have any current prescriptions, allergic to Trimethoprim and Sulfamethoxazole(rash) last pap was six months ago, denies breast discharge, positive for urine looking dark
Objective Data:
Vital Signs: 
BP  100/80
HR 80
RR 16
Temp 99.7
WT 120
HT 5 feet
Physical Exam
Review of Symptoms (ROS) findings
General: female moderate distress

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Cardiovascular Regular rate and rhythm, normal S1 and S2
Chest WNL
Respiratory clear to auscultation
Abdominal, soft, tender, increased suprapubic tenderness
Genitourinary: cervical motion tenderness, adnexal tenderness, foul-smelling bad discharge
Rectal WNL
Neurological WNL
Psychiatric moderate distress
Laboratory and diagnostic testing

Differential Abnormal Value Normal Value 
Neutrophils: 68% 40-60
Lymphocytes: 13% 20-40
Monocytes: 1800 4-8
Eosinophils: 250 1-3
Basophils: 60 0-1
Bands 7% 0-5

Color                                      Straw-colored               pale yellow/ amber
specific gravity                       1.015                             1.005, – 1.025
ph                                             8.0                                4.5-8.0
protein                                      negative
glucose                                     negative
ketones                                     negative
Bacteria                                    Many
Leukocytes                               10-15
RBC                                          0-1

Urine Gram Stain                 Gram negative rodsVaginal Discharge culture gram negative diplococci, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, sensitivities pending
Positive monoclonal AB for chlamydia, KPH prep.WET prep and VDRL negative

Differential diagnoses
1.      Gonococcal cervicitis, unspecified, ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code A54.03
Plan of care: N, gonorrhoeae is a fastidious gram-negative intraocular diplococcus. According to treatment guidelines from the (WHO) World Health Organization, treatment should consist of ceftriaxone 250 mg intramuscular (IM) as a single dose PLUS azithromycin 1 g orally as a single dose. (WHO Neisseria gonorrhoeae,2016). Patient education, according to the CDC fact sheet on gonorrhea, gonorrhoeae essentially transmitted disease that can affect both men and women, it can cause infection in the genitals rectum and throat is a very common infection especially among young people ages 15 to 24. You can reduce the risk of getting gonorrhea, if you are sexually active you can do the following things to you decrease your chance of getting gonorrhea being a long-term relationship (Monogamous). Use latex condoms every time you have sex. (CDC fact sheet,2018)
2. Chlamydial infection of genitourinary tract, unspecified. 10-CM Diagnosis Code A56.2Plan of care. According to the who will help organization guidelines treatment for chlamydia, azithromycin 1 g orally as a single dose doxycycline hundred milligrams b.i.d. or seven days seven days. Patient education, Chlamydia is a common STD that can affect both men and women. You can cause serious permanent damage to a woman’s reproductive system. The only way to avoid STDs as to not have agile and or oral sex be a long-term monogamous relationship with a partner has been tested negative for STD, use latex condoms every time you have sex. Anon, (2019). STD Facts
3. Personal history of urinary (tract) infections, ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code Z87.440. plan of care Cipro flaxen 500 mg twice a day for seven days, for treatment of urinary tract infection. According to internal article on the guidelines of treating UTI. According to the CDC fact sheet UTIs are caused by bacteria and are treated with antibiotics. Take antibiotics as the doctor tells you, do not share and about others and do not save them for later. You can help prevent UTIs by doing the following unit after sexual activity, shall instead of baths, minimize douching sprays or powers the genital area (. Kang, C. I 2018)

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