Developing SMART Goals Discussion

Developing SMART Goals Discussion

Developing SMART Goals Discussion

This discussion board will help you prepare for your final logic model project and gain some practice in creating SMART goals for your program.

Begin by reviewing the resources below, SMART behavior change outcome objectives.
Then, take a look at your short and long term outcomes that you will use in your logic model.
Post one outcome that you feel is not SMART (or as SMART) as it can be and discuss what you are going to do to change it.
Then, review and comment on two of your follow learners posts. Try to provide insight on what they can do to make it as SMART as it can.
Review the requirements outlined on the Discussion Board RubricPreview the document.

S.M.A.R.T. Behavior Change Outcome Objectives: (Links to an external site.)The statements for the short and long term results (outcomes) in your logic model should meet the cr

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