Descriptive, explanatory, predictive, prescriptive studies

Descriptive, explanatory, predictive, prescriptive studies

Descriptive, explanatory, predictive, prescriptive studies

Assignment Description

Descriptive, explanatory, predictive,  prescriptive studies: Review the differences in descriptive, explanatory, predictive, and prescriptive studies and select one of the predictive or prescriptive articles that you find. What are the independent variables (IV), dependent variables (DV), and mediating variables (MVs) that you find in the article? How do determining IVs, DVs, and MVs help you discern the theory tested in the research? In your particular article, what risk factors are identified, or what recommendations are provided?

A descriptive analysis involves simply stating the facts as they are. A descriptive analysis should not at any point provide any conclusions or generalizations. At most a descriptive analysis may involved providing summaries, descriptive statistics such as means, standard deviations, and graphs and visualizations to better understand the data. In your cultural example such an analysis will describe the characteristics of the culture and the historical and geographic context in which it arose. You are looking for the “what”.

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An explanatory analysis will try not only to describe the information but also to provide causal relationships between the various data

Descriptive, explanatory, predictive, prescriptive studies
Descriptive, explanatory, predictive, prescriptive studies

presented. Again in your cultural example, such an analysis will provide reasons for why that specific cultural arose from that specific context, why a historical event or climactic feature led to a specific behavioral trait. When we’re dealing with quantitative and statistical data, a descriptive analysis will simply provide means, standard deviations, and graphs while an explanatory analysis also provides some mathematical models tying the variables together which explain the influence they have on each other. You no longer just describe the facts, you also describe the cause and effect relationship between the facts. You are looking for the “why”.

The predictive analysis is just going one step further than the explanatory analysis and applying the relationships of mathematical models that were discovered to previously unknown data and future cases. In Your cultural example, you have to be able to explain how the geographic and historical context influenced the behavior of individuals from that culture well enough that based on that, you can predict how such an individual would react to a completely new situation. You are looking for the “what if”.


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