Compare and contrast data manipulation and definition language and provide an example and statement from each category

Compare and contrast data manipulation and definition language and provide an example and statement from each category

Compare and contrast data manipulation and definition language and provide an example and statement from each category

Programming language, such as JAVA, C, Python, and SQL, are commonly used in electronic health records and databases. Relational databases use structured query language (SQL) programming. SQL statements can be divided into two categories: data manipulation language (DML) and data definition language (DDL). Compare and contrast data manipulation and definition language and provide an example and statement from each category.

Compare and Contrast Data Manipulation and Definition Language and Provide

an Example and Statement from Each Category

SQL Commands

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SQL (Standard Query Language) is applied in the database management system to manipulate or create data (Ong et al., 2018). Specifically, SQL makes data input easier during database management. There are different types of SQL commands including Data Definition Language (DDL) and Data Manipulation Language (DML). The data manipulation processes are often undertaken through commands such as delete, select, insert, and update (Subali & Rochimah, 2018). During manipulation processes, the delete command is always applied in deleting data that are already existing in the databases, on the other hand, update command is applied in updating different forms of data that has already been captured in the database (Subali & Rochimah, 2018). One example of DML command is DELETE command. For example, the above command can be executed as:


WHERE StudentName = ‘James’


Data Definition Language (DDL) on the other hand, is applied to cater for concerns from the database schema as well as the data existence alongside their descriptions. Examples of Data Definition Language (DDL) command include DROP, CREATE, and COMMENT among others (Halvorsen, 2019). The CREATE command can be used to perform different activities within the database. For example, they can be used in the development of tables to store data and other forms of information that have been used in the database. A practical operation of a CREATE command can be given as follows:


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CREATE table Students.