Evolving human resource management and information system

1. Explain how human resource management and human resource information systems evolve over time. 2. Review the types of human resource information systems (HRIS) on pages 11–12 of the textbook, then answer the following questions: Explain which HRIS types your current or previous employer utilizes. If your current or previous organization does not utilize a…


Instructions: Prepare a brief discussion as stated below in APA  format minimal to 1 page to include cited references list. Nursing informatics is a discipline that is still evolving. Yet, there is a set of core skills and knowledge that applies to all individuals who work as nurse informaticists and many competencies that are specific…

Role of the nurse as an interdisciplinary team member

Consider the role of the nurse as an interdisciplinary team member in completing research and using research findings to inform health care practices. Review the following. Women’s Health Initiative retrieved from http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/whi Collaborative strategies to enhance research and evidence-based practice. (see Journal in Activities) Answer the following questions. Discuss the role of the advanced practice…

Documentation Issues

Based on the information you have learned in the course so far and the readings analyze the advantages and disadvantages of charting by exception when faced with a malpractice lawsuit. Discuss how you would correct mistakes in a medical chart and the formatting of your documentation when witnessing an adverse patient occurrence. How would these…

American Disability Act (ADA) and Job Analysis

  Go to the U.S. Department of Justice’s Website to read the article titled “ADA: Know Your Rights – Returning Service Members with Disabilities,” located at http://www.ada.gov/servicemembers_adainfo.html. Develop an outline to educate your management team to recognize returning service members who may be showing signs of PTSD, as well as steps that could be taken…