Assignment: Human Freedom in A Socially Structured World Essay

Assignment: Human Freedom in A Socially Structured World Essay

Assignment: Human Freedom in A Socially Structured World Essay


please write a one-page answer to the question cite 2 works in APA style.

Based on the material in this module, address the issue of human freedom in a socially structured world. That is, to what extent do you think people are free to think and act as they wish? In answering this question, consider the theories presented in this module?

Theories of Development Charles Horton Cooley, George Herbert Mead, Sigmund Freud, and Erik Erikson stand out because of the contributions they have made to the way sociologists today think about socialization. ➢ Cooley and Mead saw the individual and society as partners. ➢ They were symbolic interactionists Cooley looking-glass self ➢ We imagine how our actions appear to others. ➢ We imagine how other people judge these actions. ➢ We make some sort of self-judgment based on the presumed judgments of others. In effect, other people become a mirror or looking glass for us George Herbert Mead ➢ I: Portion of the self wishes to have free expression, to be active and spontaneous. ➢ Me: Portion of the self is made up of those things learned through the socialization process from family, peers, school, and so on. Mead: Significant others • Those who are most important in our development, such as parents, friends, and teachers Mead: Generalized others .

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The viewpoints, attitudes, and expectations of society as a whole, or of a community of people whom we are aware of and who are important to us Three Stages Self Develops ➢ The first or preparatory stage is characterized by the child’s imitating the behavior of others, which prepares the child for learning social-role expectations. ➢ In the second or play stage, the child has acquired language and begins not only to imitate behavior, but also to formulate role expectations: playing house, cops and robbers, and so on. ➢ In the third or game stage, the child learns that there are rules that specify the proper and correct relationship among the players. Sigmund Freud People are born with a certain number of instincts or DRIVES (human instinctive behavior) The human mind has 3 aspects which influence behavior: Id, Superego, and Ego Id ➢ The drives and instincts that Freud believed every human being inherits, but which for the most part remain unconscious. Superego ➢ Society’s norms and moral values as learned primarily from our parents. Ego ➢ Tries not only to mediate in the eternal conflict between the id and the superego, but also to find socially acceptable ways for the id’s drives to be expressed. Erik H. Erikson


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