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The VARK Modalities

VARK is an acronym that represents the four learning styles which include Visual, Aural, Reading/writing, and Kinesthetic. One or two of these preferences may be used to gain knowledge. According to Fleming and Mills (1992), these four modalities of learning are true reflections of the experiences of students and preceptors. Further description including initial construction and shortcomings of VARK may be found in the bibliography and seminal articles. A full description of each of the four modalities has been posted below to enhance further understanding.

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Visual (V)

Visual learners prefer descriptions presented in the form of spider diagrams, maps, charts, flow charts, and labeled diagrams. ‘Visual’ also includes all the symbolic arrows, hierarchies, circles, and other ways that could otherwise be put down in writing. Graphic (G) is another better term that could be used to represent this learning style of preference. Visual learning modality does not entail photographs or pictures of reality, PowerPoint, videos, and movies. However, it includes patterns, shapes, whitespace, designs, and other meaningful formats that can efficiently pass information to the people. Using a whiteboard to draw diagrams, graphs, or charts that meaningfully correlate different things can be very useful to people who use Visual as their learning style of preference. As opposed to Visual learners, people who use Read/write preference may need more than mere words in boxes for them to understand a concept.

Aural/ Auditory

This form of learning is majorly used by individuals who prefer heard or spoken information. Such people are believed to get great deals out of lectures, radio, email, and group discussions. In addition, people who use Aural / Auditory as their preferred modality is at their best when learning through mobile phones, web-chat, public speaking, and when talking things out. To illustrate further, email may seem more of Read/Write style, however, it has been categorized under Aural because it entails colloquial terms, abbreviations, and slang. Furthermore, it is normally written in chart-style with informal language. Other features of Aural may include talking out loud, reading aloud in class, and talking to oneself. Most individuals who use this preference sort things out by talking to themselves and then speaking out their ideas. Such people may repeat what has already been said to themselves because by so doing they learn and master the information.

Read /write

In Read/write learning preference, information is presented in the form of words. Since the ability to write and read is an attribute commonly tested by employers, many students prefer this style of learning to improve their chances of getting jobs. Read/write learning modality focuses on text input and output. Handling forms, essays, manuals, assignments, and reports requires read/write skills. People who use this style often find it easy working with the word, PowerPoint thesauri, lists, the internet, quotations, and other options that involve writing and reading. Individuals who prefer Reading/writing often perform best when doing PowerPoint presentations. Auditory or visual presentations are very rare, hence most PowerPoint presentations suit Read/write preference.

Kinesthetic (K)

Kinesthetic modality is associated with the use of simulated or real experiences and practices. Individuals who use this type of preference are often connected with reality. These realities may be reflected either through concrete personal or other people’s experiences and examples. These experiences may be simulated to convey specific information to the target audience as explained by Fleming & Mills, 1992, pp. 140-141. Kinesthetic learning preference includes movies, simulations, demonstrations, and videos of real things. In addition, it entails practice, applications, and case studies. The key feature in this modality is the reality or concrete nature of the examples.

So long as the experience, practice, or example can be tested, felt, or grasp, it will automatically be incorporated into the modality. Individuals who prefer using kinesthetic preference normally learn from the experience of specific happenings. Their own background of experiences is more valuable to them than the experiences of others. People who use the kinesthetic learning style are best at doing assignments that need the details of who will do what, and when. Such assignments are mostly found in case studies or working examples of what is proposed or intended to be done. Once the topic is concretely based on reality, it is possible to write or speak kinetically.

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Multimodality (MM)

Life is all about having mixtures of experiences and preferences and on rare occasions do people use one mode of learning. This is why there are many types of learning styles which are abbreviated as VARK. VARK questionnaire has been designed based on the fact that many people use combinations of the modalities and that is why there are mixtures of the preferences. Individuals who score moderately or high in all the modalities have no standout preferences and are therefore referred to as multimodal.

There are two types of multimodal learners such as VARK type one and VARK type two. Type one is people who are flexible in their communication and have the ability to switch from one mode to another with regard to what they are exposed to. Such individuals are context-specific such that they are capable of selecting a single mode that is best for a particular situation. For instance, they will apply read/write when dealing with legalities. In addition, they will use their kinesthetic preference when watching a demonstration of a technique. VARK type one people often have one, two, three, or even four almost equal preferences in their VARK scores.

The other group is known as VARK type two. These individuals will not rest until they put into practice all their preferred learning styles. Since these people want to explore all their preferred modes, they take quite a long time gathering information. In addition, they always have a deeper and broader knowledge in their areas of study. Multimodal learners may be regarded as slow deliverers or procrastinators because they spend a lot of time searching for information before putting them into action. The decisions made by these individuals are always better because of the broader knowledge they have about situations.

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