Theology Credo
Theology Credo essay assignment
Theology Credo essay assignment
The Credo is designed to be a summative experience for seniors at BCA, and is an on-going assignment which, when complete, will constitute a sort of formal personal doctrinal statement on what each graduating senior believes in regards to the issues discussed in Christian Thought class. Students may utilize any sources they find helpful as long as they are cited appropriately whenever used.
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Students should make certain to cover their views on the following topics, with extensive Scripture citation*, in roughly the order below-
9) Ecclesiology, or their views on the church, including
a) The Church as an Institution and a Community (Grudem 363-374) b) Church Government
c) Baptism and the Lord’s Supper (Grudem 376-394)
10) Eschatology, or their views on the end of all things, including- a) The Eschatological Sequence (Grudem 427-430)
b) Approaches to Biblical Prophecy (Grudem 430-436)
c) The Millenium (Grudem 438-470)
each topic needs to have your own response, either you believe it or not. Give your personal idea, but you have to explain the topic first. It dose not need to be long, short paragraph is fine. The sources you can search online. 2 pages are enough.