Theism and Evil Instructions

Theism and Evil Instructions essay assignment

Theism and Evil Instructions essay assignment

In this paper, you will review naturalist arguments against God based on the reality of evil, then evaluate them in light of arguments by recent theists.

In order to complete this assignment, you must first read the following three selections:

· Morris: Various Theodicies (pp. 261–278)

· Lewis: The Problem of Pain (pp. 551–619)

· Craig: “The Absurdity of Life Without God” (.pdf file in the Reading & Study folder)

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Based on those readings, articulate theistic answers to each of these naturalist claims:

1. That God could prevent evil actions and preserve human freedom of will.

2. That God could maintain a world without evil by continual divine intervention.

3. That the existence of any evil proves it is logically impossible for a Perfect Being to exist.

4. That the existence of evil proves we do not need God to find meaning and purpose in life.

Your objective is to accurately explain how these naturalist claims can be answered rationally, using our theistic readings (you may also draw answers from the “Problem of Evil” presentation in Module/Week 15).

For each of the naturalist claims, provide an answer from whichever theistic reading is most relevant to that particular claim. (You can’t apply all three theistic readings to each claim – although it’s possible more than one could apply in some cases.) Strive for clarity and logic!

Your feelings, devotion, and personal experiences are not the basis of your answers. Equally, you do not have to personally agree with theism or with any of the readings. Simply demonstrate your accurate comprehension of theism’s philosophical answers to those specific 4 claims. Refer to the specific sources in your answers and properly cite all sources.


· Cover page

· Opening statement/thesis

· Body: use four separate headings, one for each of the four naturalist claims above

· Closing/general conclusion

· Bibliography/works cited page

You must write no less than a 300-word response for each of the 4 naturalist claims. However, the total word count, including the opening and closing statements, must be a minimum of 1500 words. Do not try to inflate the paper with repetition, irrelevant padding, etc. Lengthy quotes are allowed but will not count toward your word length minimum.

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