The Influence of Popular Perceptions of Immigration

The Influence of Popular Perceptions of Immigration essay assignment

The Influence of Popular Perceptions of Immigration essay assignment

  1. State thesis clearly–what are you trying to say? Be direct! This should be no more than a paragraph at the beginning. Also, have a descriptive title consistent with your topic.
  2. How you use evidence to support your statements–did you cite correctly? In simple terms, back up your argument. Always cite quotes and any claim a casual reader wouldn’t believe! If you need a citation style to follow, see the ASA Quick Tips Style Guide at the end of the syllabus.
  3. Analysis is consistent with thesis statement. Be consistent throughout the paper. The thesis/intro statement should match the rest of the paper and vice versa.
  4. Mechanics are good (grammar, sentence structure, and diction). To avoid long run-on sentences, where papers can get lost, write shorter sentences. Also, avoid colloquial and vague language.

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  1. Use of in-class readings. For a weekly assignment, you can just reference the reading for that week/set of weeks pertaining to the question you’re responding to. If it’s a term paper, then you don’t have to use all in-course readings but demonstrate understanding of at least three of them, plus one scholarly source away from the syllabus. Term papers will be graded more strictly.
  2. Be original! Use your own words to describe/analyze. What does the topic/prompt mean to you? Limit quotes to one sentence.
  • Prompt question: How do popular perceptions of immigration influence our understandings and responses to it? Does it match the social reality? Why or why not?
  • Prompt question: Based on what we read in the assigned pages of Moya and Smith for the week, how does our understanding of immigrants’ agency today compare to the past? Please explain.
  • Prompt question 1: How did colonialism/imperialism shape which immigrant groups were more heavily racialized than others? Please explain.
  • Prompt question 2: What was so different about immigration since World War II than anything before it? Please explain.
  • Prompt question: What did the construction of “illegal” apply to people’s responses to? What additional barriers were imposed on people being classified as “illegal?” Please explain.

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