The Chronic Stress Can Dampen or Harm the Immune Response

The Chronic Stress Can Dampen or Harm the Immune Response essay assignment

The Chronic Stress Can Dampen or Harm the Immune Response essay assignment

After reading chapter 5 in our textbook, would you say all stress is bad? Please explain in a few sentences.

According to Dr. Robert Sapolsky in the YouTube video Robert Sapolsky on Stress, why are baboons the perfect model to study for westernized stress-related diseases?

  1. In the YouTube video Robert Sapolsky: The Psychology of Stress, how does Dr. Robert Sapolsky describe the difference between psychological stress and stress you might experience during a life-threatening situation?

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After watching the YouTube video Robert Sapolski: How a Chair Revealed the Type A Personality Profile, please describe specifically how a chair revealed a Type A personality behavior, in your own words (please do not quote the video).

  1. What methods do you use to manage your stress, or which methods would you be willing to try that you learned about this week?