Stakeholder Interview And Reflection Assignment
Stakeholder Interview And Reflection Assignment essay assignment
Stakeholder Interview And Reflection Assignment essay assignment
In the Stakeholder Interview and Reflection Assignment, you will interview a person who has a vested interest in the research problem you are investigating. You will submit a document to the dropbox with the following information:
- A report of your stakeholder’s responses to your interview questions
- A reflection of the experience of interviewing the stakeholder
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Part 1: Interview and Report
In Chapter 1, we learned that a stakeholder is a person who has an interest or stake in a problem relevant to society (Repko, Szostak, & Buchberger, 2017). The authors recommend that researchers look to such stakeholders for their insights and expertise. Therefore, you will identify a person who has a vested interest in the research problem you are investigating and ask them questions to help you better understand the problem. For example, if your research problem is how to reduce the incidence of Type 2 diabetes in adolescents, appropriate stakeholders would be a doctor, nurse, patient, or caregiver with experience with the disease.
Use the questions below to interview a stakeholder associated with your problem.
- What is your role related to the problem/issue of ___________ and how do you interact with the issue on a daily or weekly basis?
- How long have you been involved with this issue/problem?
- What if any was your prior experience with this problem/issue?
- Did you receive any education/training to deal with the problem/issue, etc.)?
- What have been the biggest challenges and what has been the most gratifying experience for you as you have worked with this issue/problem?
- In your opinion, what are some causes of this problem?
- In your opinion, what are some of the effects of this problem?
- How could this problem be solved?
Upon completion of the interview, please write a report of the stakeholder’s responses to your interview questions.
Part 2: Reflection
After writing up the responses to the interview questions, write a reflection of the interview experience. The reflection should share some of the insights that you discovered about the problem through the interview process and some of the additional thoughts that were inspired regarding the problem due to some of the stakeholder’s responses. Your response to each bulleted question should be approximately 100 words (a 4-5 sentence paragraph).
- What was something useful you learned that will help you write the paper?
- What did you learn that confirms your prior knowledge from your research?
- What information surprised you?
- How did the insights you learned from the interview help you understand your research problem better?