Socio Psychology MCQs
1. Which early sociologist emphasized the role of society in the development of the self?
George Herbert Mead
Karl Marx
Georg Simmel
Herbert Blumer
2.Which sociological social psychology perspective emphasizes the role of meaning and the social
construction of meaning in the study of social psychology?
symbolic interaction
social structure and personality
group processes
structural functional ism
3.Which sociological social psychology perspective is likely to emphasize the importance of roles
and statuses in the study of social psychology?
symbolic interaction
social structure and personal ity
group processes
structural functionalism
4.Which sociological social psychology perspective is likely to emphasize the importance of
interactions within groups?
symbolic interaction
social structure and personality
group processes
structural functionalism
5.The sociological imagination is associated with which social theorist?
Emile Durkheim
Max Weber
Wright Mills
Auguste Comte