Social Groups and Deviance

Social Groups and Deviance essay assignment

Social Groups and Deviance essay assignment

Choose one of the following questions: 

1.  What did Stanley Milgram seek to test in his experiments at Yale University?  What were the results?  Do you think that the findings would be similar today?  Why or why not?  Thinking about the information shared in Chapter 2 regarding ethics in research, what are the ethical concerns of the study?

2.  Do you agree with Emile Durkheim that deviance provides certain functions for society? What functions might deviance provide?  In your answer be sure to describe Durkheim’s main thesis regarding deviance and provide examples or evidence to support your position.

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The Week 3 Forum meets the following course objectives:

· Apply a sociological perspective to the social world.

· Analyze contemporary social issues using the sociological imagination and use sociological theories and concepts to analyze everyday life.

· Identify and describe bureaucracies and formal organizations.

· Describe deviance and social control from a sociological perspective.


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