SOCI 331 Non-Participant Observation
SOCI 331 Non-Participant Observation essay assignment
SOCI 331 Non-Participant Observation essay assignment
Paradigms are large systems of thought that are accepted by most people, especially within a certain time or place. So, you could say that paradigms of scientific thought (how we explain things in the physical environment) in western history have included belief in magic, belief in gods, belief in herbs/witchcraft, and belief in the scientific method. The era we are in adheres to the scientific method paradigm, as that is what we use to explain physical phenomena. Some people argue that the next paradigm we will be in will be the postmodern one. But currently most people believe in the scientific method, i.e. we believe that modern science produces valid knowledge. Note also
that some writers may use the term “paradigm” for any number of subsets of thought, for example some call qualitative and quantitative research separate paradigms, and some consider different theories to be different paradigms – for example conflict, feminist, functionalist, etc. however the
foremost writer on the subject of scientific paradigms, Thomas Kuhn, considers scientific paradigms to be comprised of much larger systems and eras of thought as I have described here.
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See Kuhn, T. S. (1962). The structure of scientific revolutions. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press. for more information if interested.
Within the scientific method today, are qualitative and quantitative approaches. These are both still scientific, but they have different underlying philosophies, or epistemologies you could say.
Qualitative researchers like to use “interpretivist” approaches meaning that they don’t begin with a
theory or a hypothesis. Rather, they first make observations and then look at the data to see what main hypotheses might arise. Qualitative researchers often use methods such as ethnography or nonparticipant observation. Qualitative researchers are interested in “quality” of interactions, or the meanings of interactions to the people involved.
Quantitative researchers like to use “positivist” approaches meaning that they do begin with a theory or hypothesis, and seek to prove or disprove it. They normally begin their research then with a set of questions, or with an experimental design that is aimed at answering their hypothesis.
They often use methods such as surveys or experiments. Quantitative researchers are interested in “quantity” – that is, when one variable (x) increases , how much does another variable (y) increase/decrease /stay the same?
Note that the words “methods” and “methodology” both simply refer to what type of method you are using in your research, for example a survey, an interview, focus groups, observation, etc. There are many types of qualitative and quantitative methods.
Please view this video for a clear overview of quantitative versus qualitative research.