SOC 156 Mexican American People

SOC 156 Mexican American People essay assignment

SOC 156 Mexican American People essay assignment

General Instructions: Complete the readings listed on the syllabus under Week 6. Write notes
in the margins of the readings or on a separate sheet of paper. Then answer the following
questions in full sentences. Your answers should be about a paragraph long. Include page
numbers in your responses so that you can refer back to the reading during the discussion. You
can include direct quotes from the readings in your answers, but then also should explain them in
your own words. You are encouraged to discuss the readings with other students but the answers
on the assignment must be your own. (You are also not allowed to copy answers from outside
sources, like Wikipedia).

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Save your answers as a .docx or .pdf file. Put your name and the assignment name at the
top, then put the answers to each question (numbered). Do not include the instructions or the
questions themselves in your submission. Submit your assignment by Monday, February 7 at 12
PM, using the link on the course website.
Questions for Telles and Ortiz (2008) Generations of Exclusion, pages 1-20, 264-292:
1. What was the original Mexican American People (1970) study? In your answer, include
who was surveyed and what the findings were.
2. How did Telles and Ortiz (2008) build on the original study? In your answer, include who
they surveyed and why they decided to do this second study. (Note how the people they
studied overlap with or are related to those in the original study).
3. How do they define the concepts assimilation and racialization? How are these concepts
relevant for their study?
4. What were their main findings regarding the educational assimilation of Mexican
Americans over several generations? To what extent have they caught up or fallen behind
non-Hispanic whites?
5. Choose another type of assimilation besides education (language, intermarriage, etc.). To
what extent have Mexican Americans “assimilated” on this dimension, when compared to
the original study participants?
6. How is education connected to the other types of assimilation for Mexican Americans? In
other words, to what extent does educational assimilation vary with (or lead to) other
types of assimilation?
7. Overall, how do Telles and Ortiz (2008) explain why Mexican American assimilation
over multiple generations has been more limited than that of European immigrant