SOC 100 Poverty Social Problem: Open Letter

Writing Poverty Social Problem: Open Letter

SOC 100 Poverty Social Problem: Open Letter essay assignment

This is excerpted from our Class Wiki Instructions. Starting in Unit Three, you should follow the instructions in that document so that you have a sense of how the exercises and milestones connect.

The Poverty Social Problem: Open Letter

Write an open letter to future stranger/s regarding a social problem that you care about. Open letters are a good way to essay one’s thoughts about important issues by addressing a public of strangers who are likely to share your interests. For this exercise, please imagine that your letter is going into a time capsule to be read by people a century from now. What can be done in the next century to resolve or ameliorate the social problem you choose to write about? What are you hoping your audience will find in their history?

Craft your letter in the “Open Letter” section of your page in the Class Wiki, but include your references in the “References/Bibliography” section of that page.

Your Poverty Social Problem: Open Letter must:

  1. Include a greeting/salutation. Think about your audience. Are you writing to anyone and everyone who is alive a century hence? Or do you have a more specific (but still unknown and unknowable) audience in mind? If you have a particular audience in mind, you may want to include a short paragraph in your letter explaining why you are especially interested that they read what you have to say.
  2. Include several paragraphs presenting the body of your letter, which body must:
    • identify and describe a contemporary social problem, indicating something of its scope and scale, and the populations/publics (i.e., the people)
      affected by it;
    • provide an example or illustration of how this problem can play out in the lived experiences of the effected people (perhaps from journalistic or
      documentary sources, or perhaps from fictional representations in popular culture);
    • summarize and discuss at least two scholarly/expert sources analyzing the problem, making use of their arguments and evidence (and being
      critical/skeptical as appropriate);
    • identify and describe at least one organization or association of people working to end or ameliorate the problem;
    • indicate your own position with respect to the problem and the arguments about it, and your expectations (fears, hopes) about whether/how it will
      have been addressed or ameliorated in the coming century;
    • include one or more non-textual elements (e.g., images, audio files); and
    • include 750-1000 words (i.e., a 3-4 double-spaced page length).
  3. Include a closing/signature. Are you writing this as an individual? Do you see yourself as representative of any groups of individuals? How do you want your readers to think of your social position as they reflect upon your letter?

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Your Class Wiki page should have a References/Bibliography section conforming to the Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS17). By the time of your Poverty Social Problem: Open Letter, this must include at least the following sources:

  • at least two works (articles, chapters, websites) by scholars or public intellectuals (that you found through research),
  • at least one journalistic (or encyclopedic/reference) source providing data relevant to the issues you discuss,
  • any cultural artifacts (books, series, films, games, &tc.) that you referred to in your letter,
  • at least one website of activists or social movement organizations addressing the social problem you discuss, and any course texts or other sources you refer to or quote in the body of your letter.

(These sources need not be annotated.)

Write your letter using a formal prose style without spelling or grammatical errors. (Formal writing does not necessarily exclude the use of first and second person. This is a letter, which should be more formal than a text message, but it is also a text connecting you as an author with others as readers.
In your letter, you will be writing in the first person, and you may properly address your hypothetical readers in the second person.)

Use the FAQ Forum if you have questions about the assignment or the technology, but try to figure things out first.

Use your puzzler, read and re-read, and think about what you’re reading/doing.

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