SCI 317Tuesdays with Morrrie Summary

SCI 317Tuesdays with Morrrie Summary essay assignment

SCI 317Tuesdays with Morrrie Summary essay assignment

How has Morrie’s health/condition changed in the second section of reading (p. 48-99)? Compare and contrast to the first 47 pages of the book.

How is Mitch’s perspective changing or shifting in this second portion of the book?

Identify one stressor each of the main characters is facing in this section of the book.

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Provide one connection to The Last Dancetextbook (for this class) thus far. You may consider all of the chapters covered in class thus far.

Describe (for yourself) how if any the “message” of the book has changed in p. 48-99 for either of the main characters?

What is the most meaningful passage or excerpt in the book (p. 48-99) for YOU?

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