Rounds and Dyads and Counseling Groups Discussion
Rounds and Dyads and Counseling Groups Discussion
Rounds and Dyads and Counseling Groups Discussion
Question Description
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Rounds and dyads are excellent techniques for support groups and counseling groups, but they may also be effectively used in task groups, project groups, and teams to enhance decision-making processes, performance, and productivity. Discuss how you would implement the techniques observed in the videos during the meetings of such a group. Develop 1 specific example of a round and 1 specific example of a dyad exercise, and explain how these would be valuable to the group. In your replies, offer helpful recommendations on how to refine or adapt these exercises. Feel free to share applicable experiences about group/team meetings in your personal or professional context.
Group size can affect group dynamics and relationships. Explore the different types of social groups, including those formed by only two people, called dyad, and those formed by three people, called triad, as well as other forms of larger social groups. Learn about group boundaries and the concept of in-groups and out-groups, and how it relates to favoritism and derogation. Updated: 08/25/2021
Social Group Sizes
Social groups come in all shapes and sizes. You may have a small family and a close group of friends, but I’m sure you know others who have a large family and a wide group of friends. In a previous lesson, we discussed the distinction between several types of social groups and how the type of group can determine group dynamics and relationships. However, the size of the group also has a significant effect on these aspects of a group.
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Social Group: Dyad
The most basic, fundamental type of social group that consists of only two people is called a dyad. The relationship between the two people can be linked through romantic interest, family relation, work, school, and so on. As you likely know from personal experience, these relationships can be emotionally intense but also unstable and sometimes only temporary. In a dyad, both members of the group must cooperate to make it work. If just one fails to cooperate, the group will fall apart.
Social Group: Triad
If you add another person to a dyad, it becomes a triad. A triad is a social group that consists of three people. This seemingly simple addition of just one person significantly affects the group interactions and dynamics. The relationships in a triad can still be fairly intense, but the group is typically more stable than a dyad. If two people in a triad have a dispute, the third member of the group can act as mediator and help reach a compromise. If push comes to shove, one person can leave a triad, and a group would still exist, unlike the one person who would remain after the breaking of a dyad.
Another group characteristic that is strikingly different between dyads and triads is the allocation of responsibility. Imagine you work in an office with only one other person. You bring a sandwich to work and put it in the fridge. Later, when you go to eat your sandwich, half of it is missing. Because there is only one other person in the office, you immediately deduce the culprit. However, if you add just one more person to this scenario, you could not automatically know which of the two office mates ate your sandwich. By changing the dyad to a triad, the lines of responsibility are blurred.
Larger Social Groups
As a group’s size increases beyond three members, there are a number of trends that emerge. The intimacy and loyalty of the members decrease as the group grows larger. Because the relationships are less intimate, group members feel less obligation and responsibility. The contribution of each member in a large group is less than it would be in a small group. A larger group is also less likely to reach a consensus because of the plethora of ideas and opinions. On the positive side, large groups do have more stability because the group exists even with the loss of several members.