Research Proposal: Alcohol Use in Adolescents
Research Proposal: Alcohol Use in Adolescents essay assignment
Research Proposal: Alcohol Use in Adolescents essay assignment
To prepare for this Assignment:
- Review the topics and concepts that were introduced throughout the course including study questions, purpose of research, study design, sample size, data collection, data analysis, and reporting findings
- Review the chapters in the textbook that address each topic
- Review your past Discussions and Assignments and take into account the feedback that you received from your colleagues and Instructor
- Revise the pieces of your research based on feedback
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To complete this Assignment:
Design a 9- to 12-slide presentation of your research proposal including the following information:
- Slide 1: Title Slide
- Name
- Course Number
- Title of your research
- Slide 2: The Study Question
- Identify your study question
- Explain how you came to this question: did it stem from something that was observed, or did you brainstorm to find the topic?
- Be sure to take into account the feedback that you recieved on your study question in Week 1.
- Slide 3: The Purpose of Your Research
- Why is this research important?
- How would this research be used in practice?
- Slide 4: The Study Design
- Which study design is most appropriate for your research? Explain.
- Slide 5: Population and Sample Size
- Describe the population that is being studied
- Explain how you selected an appropriate sample size
- Slide 6: Data Collection Strategies
- Explain the data collection strategies that are most appropriate
- Explain why these strategies are most appropriate
- You may need to add an additional slide to cover all of the information
- Slide 7: Analysis Procedure
- How would you analyze the data?
- Include information on any ethical issues you may need to address
- You may need to add an additional slide to cover all of the information
- Slide 8: Reporting Findings
- Identify the journals, conferences, etc. that may be appropriate for reporting the findings
- Explain why you chose these means of reporting findings
- You may need to add an additional slide to cover all of the information
- Slide 9: References
Your written assignments must follow APA guidelines. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate.