Psychology Sociology & Juvenile Delinquency

Psychology Sociology & Juvenile Delinquency essay assignment

Psychology Sociology & Juvenile Delinquency essay assignment

Abnormal Psychology

Respond to it in no less than 300-400 words. Lecture Notes is Attached.

One of the theories on the etiology of Anorexia involves cultural values regarding physical appearance. Specifically, it has been argued that the culture teaches individuals (through magazine covers, movies, commercials) that there is a certain perfect way to look and that this message contributes to the development of anorexia. What are your thoughts on this topic? Do you agree or disagree? Post your response to the discussion board. Make sure to respond to at least one other classmate’s post. Always be polite and respectful when responding to another classmate’s post.

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Reading 1:

Reading 2:

Introduction to Sociology

Lecture Notes is Attached.

Please choose one of the following prompts and respond to it in no less than 300-400 words. In your response, you must fully answer all aspects of the question and support your answer with reference to course materials (textbook, supplementary readings, videos, etc.).

· Why does Coser believe that conflict is good for a society? Discuss a real-life example in which a social conflict followed and lent support to Coser’s theory.

· Discuss a real-life example of the Thomas Theorem: “If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences.” What does this mean to you? How can it be applied to the example you’ve identified?

· “Conflict theory” derives from the critical work of Karl Marx on economic inequality under capitalism; Coser’s analysis comes from structural-functionalism. How might social conflict be understood using symbolic interactionism? Come up with and discuss an application of this theory to the question of conflict.


Read Summary of The Functions of Social Conflict from

Juvenile Delinquency

Lesson 13 Discussion

Police routinely read juveniles their Miranda rights, but do kids really understand them? In 2-3 paragraphs, how might police officers intereact differently with juveniles? Or should they?


Read “Police routinely read juveniles their Miranda rights, but do kids really understand them?”

ABA Journal. “Police routinely read juveniles their Miranda rights, but do kids really understand them? Retrieved from

Lesson 14 Discussion

Respond to it in no less than 300-400 words.

After reading the article answer the following question: Do you think this is a good way for police departments to get guns off the streets and out of kids’ hands? Why or why not? What are some other ways you can think of to get guns out of kids’ hands?


Read “‘Kicks for Guns’ offers gift cards for those who turn in guns Thursday”

Doornbos, C. (2017, August 16). ‘Kicks for Guns’ offers gift cards for those who turn in guns Thursday. Orlando Sentinel. Retrieved from

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