Proposed Research Design for UTI PICOT
Proposed Research Design for UTI PICOT
Proposed Research Design for UTI PICOT
Question Description
Proposed Research Design for UTI PICOT: UTI is an infection that affects the urinary tract (urethra, ureter, kidneys, bladder, and prostate in men) and it is more prevalent in women than in men. Besides, diabetic patients are more prone to UTI further complicating their conditions which, if not well managed, may lead to costly medical care (Aswani et al., 2014). Therefore, this PICOT question focuses on preventing urinary tract infections in diabetic patients using EBP. The rationale that the researcher used to arrive at researching this area was that patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus had higher chances of being infected by UTI than those without diabetes (Aswani et al., 2014). A study indicated that 9% of the diabetic patients are at risk of getting UTI as compared to 6% of those without diabetes.
On the other hand, a different study indicated that diabetic patients had a 60% higher risk of getting UTI as compared to other people without diabetes (Pagano et al., 2017). Poor circulation has been pointed out as one of the factors that increase the chance of diabetic patients getting UTI as it limits the ability of white blood cells to travel in the body and contain any infection effectively. On the other, the study uses women as opposed to members of both genders as women have a higher chance of contracting UTI than men hence the increasing the possibility of achieving more accurate results.
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PICOT Question: Proposed Research Design for UTI PICOT
In adult type 2 diabetic women (P) does increasing fluid intake to two liters per day (I) prevent the occurrence of UTI’s (O) when compared with patients who have less than 1 liter of fluid intake daily (C) over a period of three months (T).
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The PICOT elements are as follows:
Population: Adult Diabetic Type 2 Patients
Intervention: Taking two liters of water per day
Comparison: One group of diabetic patients with increased fluid intakes of two liters per day vs a group of diabetic patients with regular fluid intake under one liter per day
Outcome: Prevent incidents of UTI occurrences among diabetic type 2 females
Time: Duration of the study will be 3 months during which urine samples will be collected every two weeks.
Aswani, S.M., Chandrashekar, U.K., Shivashankara, K.N., & Pruthvi, B.C. (2014). Usually turn non-diabetics. Australasian Medical Journal, 7(1), 29-34.
Foxman, B., & Buxton, M. (2013). Alternative approaches to conventional treatment of acute uncomplicated urinary tract infection in women. Current Infectious Disease Reports, 15(2), 124-9.
Pagano, M.J., Barbalat, Y., Theofanides, M.C., Edokpolo, L., James, M.B., & Cooper, K.L.(2017). Diagnostic yield of cystoscopy in the evaluation of recurrent urinary tract infection in women. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 36(3), 692-696.