Preventing Dementia

Preventing Dementia essay assignment

Preventing Dementia essay assignment

Be sure to identify the number of the question that you are answering


1. In our own words, how would you describe Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)?

2. A. What is the function of “Brain Networks”?

B. How does the activity of these networks change when comparing a normal individual to a person suffering from dementia?

3. A U.S. study examined the relationship between walking and cognitive function. Describe 3 changes seen in walking with a MCI patient.




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4. How can micro-bleeds in the brain be brain be detected with diagnostic imaging?

5. A study out of the University of Illinois looked at the relationship between moderate activities (example given brisk walking 1hr-3x’s /week) and the improvement cognitive function.

A. The production of what 2 proteins were found to increase with these types of activity?

B. Physiologically how do these proteins help with brain function?

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