Plato’s theory

Plato’s theory essay assignment

Plato’s theory essay assignment

1. Do you think Plato’s theory of the forms is plausible, or not?  Remember, the forms (e.g. the form of the perfect pizza) are ideal entities existing outside of space and time, forever.  So be careful.   Saying Platonic forms are real is saying that there exists (in some form) a perfect pumpkin pie, perfect Macbook Air, and even a perfect surfboard, outside of space and time.  Remember, these forms are not mere types of things (e.g. a type of computer). Rather a real Macbook Air form has always existed.  That is the view.

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2. As a solution to Glaucon’s challenges about our selfish motives, Plato argues that the soul (i.e. the personality) has three parts.  Indeed, he mentions these in his Myth of the Charioteer.  What are these parts?  How does Plato think that these parts work together?   Indeed, Plato says that this proper soul balance is key.  Is his view plausible or not?

3. About politics (e.g. his view of the state), Plato holds that people have different functions in society.  Yet this is a criticism of democracy, as such. Do his criticisms apply, for example, to the American form of democracy?  What would make a good ruler, as such?