Philosophy homework-multiple choices questions

Philosophy homework-multiple choices questions essay assignment

Philosophy homework-multiple choices questions essay assignment

1. According to Anderson, how should we view contemporary economic theories attitudes

a. Libertarian and paretian economics suggest too many limits on what people can agree to in contracts for loans creating inequality between lender and borrower.

B. Libertarian and paretian economics suggest too few limits on what people can agree to in loan contracts, limits that promote freedom and equality.

C. Libertarian and paretian economics suggest exactly the right limits on what people can agree to in loan contracts, but get the moral reasons wrong.

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2. According to Anderson, which of the following best characterizes the ethical shortcoming of economic theory?

a. Economic theory does not explain how government interference in free markets reduces the freedom and well-being of individuals.

b. Economic theory does not see that the change in lending practices show greater respect for the equality and dignity of individuals under capitalism than under its predecessors.

c. Economic theory does not see the immoral exploitation of individuals under capitalist employment relationships.


3. What does Sandel mean by saying that a market society faces a problem of unjust coercion?

a. Having more categories of goods in the market makes money matter more, so the costs of not having money rise to force people by necessity of circumstances

b. Many goods that are bought and sold in a market economy are transformed and degraded by being put for sale

c. Market societies force people to buy products they do not wish to maintain a good public image


4. How does Mills characterize non-ideal theory?

a. Non-ideal theory is the application of abstract moral principles (e.g. respect humanity) to non-ideal circumstances.

b. Non-ideal theory is based on the idea that sometimes we should do what is morally wrong for the sake of a greater moral good like ending oppression.

c. Non-ideal theory is based in universal and objective, but not abstract, moral principles applied in response to the injustices created by existing social practices.

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