Personality Traits and Choice for a Therapeutic Approach discussion
Personality Traits and Choice for a Therapeutic Approach discussion essay assignment
Personality Traits and Choice for a Therapeutic Approach discussion essay assignment
Answers should be at least 100-175 words and reflect critical thought. Whenever possible, please try to relate the course content to real-world applications from your work experience. Be sure to cite all sources as well.
How do your own personality traits affect your choice for a therapeutic approach?
Which therapeutic approaches might you combine in your counseling practice? Why?
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As a counselor you should be able to be yourself without imposing your views or values on a client. Also, if a client feels as though their therapist is fake they will either be fake or not continue therapy. As humans we all have a way of sensing when someone is being genuine with us and when they’re not. Being genuine is an important part of person-centered therapy and in my opinion all therapies. As a therapist/counselor you have to be genuine with your clients in order to build or increase rapport. Consider the following: what would happen in therapy if there is no rapport between the client and the therapist/counselor?
You indicated that you will pick a theory that is fair to everyone. Do you feel that some theories are not fair to everyone? In my studies I have come to find that some theories may not be applicable to everyone or situation. However, I was able to find a theory that I felt most closely matched my views on human behavior. For example when I pursuing my doctoral degree I was researching reviews on new theories for treating trauma. One particular theory I found would not be applicable to African-American culture based on one of the main ideas of the theory. I reached out to the founder of the theory at the University of Cincinatti and informed me that he was aware of the issue and offered me a chance to do some research with him and his team to improve the theory to make it applicable to all cultures. Consider the following: what will you do if you find a problem with a study or a theory?
According to the text, a trait approach to personality has many implications for psychotherapy. Given that traits contribute to the expression of symptoms of common psychiatric disorders, are moderately heritable, and relatively stable (yet also dynamic to some extent), long-term change in symptoms is possible but is likely to be limited. Personality Traits and Choice for a Therapeutic Approach Essay Paper. Analogous to the manner in which genes set the reaction range for phenotype, standing on certain traits may set the patient’s “therapeutic range.” On the other hand, some of the same traits that may limit the depth of therapeutic benefits might also increase their breadth. In addition, taking the patient’s standing on different traits into account can inform the choice of therapeutic strategy and targets and can affect the formation of the therapeutic alliance and compliance with self-help exercises. Finally, other aspects of personality beyond traits, such as ego development and narrative identity, also appear to have important implications for psychotherapy. Fellow classmates, what are your thoughts?