Personal energy equation

Step 1. Calculate your BMI and BMR

  • Go to  (age 23, male, 6ft1,150 pounds.)

On this website, use the calculators to compute your BMI (Body Mass Index) and your BMR ( basal metabolic rate – the calories you burn just staying alive.

Step 2.  Compute your AEE (activity energy expenditure) in planned or spontaneous physical activity.  

  • If your primary form of physical activity is walking, record how far you walked and estimate how briskly you walked. If you regularly workout at a gym or fitness facility, record the length and intensity of your workout. Using a treadmill or other type of exercise machine will give you a lot of information, but if you don’t have access to that equipment just write down what you do, how long you do it, and estimate intensity.
  • You can also use any of the mobile apps, FitBit or other tracking devices, or an old fashioned pedometer to track the number of steps you walked.

Step 3: Compute your TEE (total energy expenditure)

Add your BMR and an average of your AEE for the day you tracked your physical activity.

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