PCN-605 differential diagnoses
PCN-605 differential diagnoses essay assignment
PCN-605 differential diagnoses essay assignment
1. What are some of the challenges in diagnosing an individual with persistent depressive disorder or cyclothymic disorder versus their more severe counterparts? Explain with examples.
2. Read the case study of “Jack” located in the Topic 4 materials and provide the appropriate DSM-5 diagnoses in descending order, from the dominant, to the least dominant. For each diagnosis you assign, provide an explanation of the diagnostic criteria you assessed to be compelling, as found in the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria monograph for each disorder.
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3. Review the vignettes located in the topic five materials and then diagnose Robin and Becky with a psychotic disorder. What are the justifications for your diagnosis? Include differential diagnoses that were considered and discarded.
4. Review the vignette of Brett located in the topic five materials, and then provide a DSM diagnosis. Based on your cultural background/worldview, what is your perspective on the nature of psychotic disorders?
Briefly review the biblical narrative in Mark 5: 1-20. How would you help a psychotic individual who presents to your treatment center and insists that the etiology of his disorder is spiritual in nature and not biochemical?
Review Mercer’s article and identify two or three recommendations/practices you find relevant in this source as pertaining to a clinician that considers treating Brett.
5. Obsessive-compulsive and related disorders (e.g., hoarding disorder) have gained popularity in the media in recent years. How do portrayals of these disorders in popular culture differ from the descriptions of them in the DSM? How might the media popularity affect a person’s likelihood to seek treatment?
6. In what ways do people treat their own symptoms of anxiety disorders, and trauma and stress disorders? Review the case study of Rebecca, located under the Topic 6 topic materials. Provide and justify a diagnostic impression for Rebecca.
7. It can be difficult to distinguish between symptoms of personality disorders and other psychological disorders. What are some key differences between these disorders that can assist a counselor in making an accurate diagnosis?
8. Borderline personality disorder is often viewed as a diagnosis largely given to women, whereas antisocial personality disorder is considered a man’s diagnosis. Given your understanding of gender roles in society, why do you think this dichotomy exists?
9. In the DSM-5, Gambling Disorder was moved from the “Impulse Control Disorders” category to the “Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders” category. Do you think that this was a good decision? Why or why not?
10. What are some of the popular myths about addiction with which you are familiar? Use examples.
Each answer must have 150-200 words and a cite in the answer.