Paper on Online Learning Strategies

Paper on Online Learning Strategies

Paper on Online Learning Strategies
Completing courses in the absence of a physical classroom and frequent face-to-face contact can be challenging, even for those who are comfortable with technology and the online environment. You need to be able to plan and manage your time well, particularly since there is no structured “class time”; communicate clearly and effectively where there is no visual or nonverbal feedback; and use technology effectively.
This Discussion provides you with an opportunity to think about your skills in the above areas, to explore strategies for successful online learning, and exchange strategies with your colleagues.

•Review this Week’s assigned readings from the Walden e-Guide and the document, “Technical Tips for Learning at Walden,” in the Learning Resources. •Review this week’s media program, “Tips for Effective Online Composition and .”
•Think about some strategies you have used, or read about, that may be beneficial for effective planning, time management,

communication, and technology use. •Consider how the strategies you have identified can contribute to being a successful online learner.
Post a description of at least one strategy for each of the following areas related to online success: planning, time management, communication, and technology use.

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Explain how/why you think use of each strategy will contribute to your success as an online learner. Support your Discussion assignment with specific resources used in its preparation using APA formatting. You are asked to provide a reference for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course.
Cognitive psychologists have identified six key strategies that promote learning in many situations, and this research can be implemented to promote long-term durable learning. These six strategies have been heavily investigated for decades, and there is a lot of evidence to suggest their effectiveness in a variety of situations. These situations can include distance learning!
Before digging into the specifics of each strategy, it is important to note that they are very flexible. This is a good thing, in that it means they can be used in a lot of different situations. However, this also means that there really isn’t a specific prescription we can provide that will “always work.” Instead, understanding the strategies and how they work can help instructors and students. Instructors can implement them in their distance learning environments (whether that be synchronous/virtual/remote or asynchronous/distance) in ways that will foster student learning that works best for their course, and students can infuse their study sessions with these strategies in a way that will promote long-term learning. There are also countless ways that the strategies can be combined to be used together. For example, explaining concepts to one another in an online discussion board often uses all 6!

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