Culturally-Derived Communication Misunderstandings

Culturally-Derived Misunderstandings essay assignment Culturally-Derived Misunderstandings essay assignment Describe a situation in which you have encountered a culturally-derived communication misunderstanding in a healthcare setting with a patient, physician, colleague; supervisor or administrator and its outcome. What actions could you, in an advanced nursing role, implement to prevent culturally-derived miscommunications? Request “Write My Nursing Paper” for…

Comprehensive Older Person Evaluation / Home Safety Checklist

Comprehensive Older Person Evaluation / Home Safety Checklist essay assignment Comprehensive Older Person Evaluation / Home Safety Checklist essay assignment Complete the Comprehensive Older Person Evaluation and the Home Safety Checklist on one non-family member over the age of 75 for this assignment. Write a 3 – 4-page paper, using APA format to: analyze and draw conclusions      the findings of each…

Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory And Nursing

Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory And Nursing essay assignment Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory And Nursing essay assignment 1)  Identify the structural components of the selected theory: a. Describe the purpose of the theory (descriptive, explain, predictive etc.). b. Explain the scope of the theory (middle, interdisciplinary). c. Identify the major concepts and major propositions. d. Explain the major assumptions….

Conflict Resolution through Emotional Competence

Conflict Resolution through Emotional Competence essay assignment Conflict Resolution through Emotional Competence essay assignment Only when leaders integrate technical skills, goal-directed activities, and the ability to form meaningful relationships through emotional competence does optimal organizational effectiveness result. Scenario: A team of highly competent members has become adept at organizing and managing itself. The self-sufficiency of…

NUR331 2022 Assessment Task 2 Information Booklet

NUR331 2022 Assessment Task 2 Information Booklet NUR331 2022 Assessment Task 2 Information Booklet Assessment name: Complex Care Task 2 Case study Marking Criteria measured: ·       Application of an advanced assessment to a complex patient and consider investigations for the case. ·       Application of pathophysiology to the case to identify the complex care needs. ·      …

Professional Nursing Organization discussion

Professional Nursing Organization discussion essay assignment Professional Nursing Organization discussion essay assignment Examine the importance of professional associations in nursing. Choose a professional nursing organization that relates to your specialty area, or a specialty area in which you are interested. In a 750‐1,000 word paper, provide a detailed overview the organization and its advantages for…

Nursing Professional Development Paper

Nursing Professional Development Paper essay assignment Nursing Professional Development Paper essay assignment Directions Introduction: Provide an overview of what will be covered in the paper. Introduction should include general statements on scope of practice, competencies, and leadership, and identification of the purpose of the paper. APN Scope of Practice: Research the Nurse Practice Act and APN scope of…