Clinical Nurse Leaders

Clinical Nurse Leaders essay assignment Clinical Nurse Leaders essay assignment In the realm of marketing, a successful branding strategy is one of the most important contributors to organizational success. A solid branding strategy can help add visibility and credibility to a company’s products. Similarly, nurse-scholars can build a personal brand to add visibility and credibility…

Values and Spiritual Beliefs

Values and Spiritual Beliefs essay assignment Values and Spiritual Beliefs essay assignment 1)Describe your personal values and spiritual beliefs. (I am a born again Christian so God is a big part of my values). 2)Using the elements of cost, quality, and social issues to frame your description, differentiate your beliefs and opinions about health care…

Advocating For Nursing

Advocating For Nursing essay assignment Advocating For Nursing essay assignment Describe how the nursing profession is viewed by the general public. Discuss factors that influence the public’s perception of nursing? Describe ways to educate the general public on the professional nurse’s role and scope of nursing within a changing health care system. Request “Write My…

Identifying Waste reduction opportunities

Identifying Waste reduction opportunities essay assignment Identifying Waste reduction opportunities assignment Identify opportunities for waste reduction. Consider the following: • Setting: administrative, operational, clinical • Efficiency • Value to patient Suggest process changes to improve the situation. Write a 175-word communication to frontline staff and nurse leaders explaining your findings. Develop a 7- to 10-slide…

Health Nursing Interventions

Health Nursing Interventions essay assignment Health Nursing Interventions essay assignment Historical Factors: Community Health Nursing in Context Community Assessment and Population Health Problems Read chapter 1, 2 & 6 of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentations once done answer the following questions. 1. Compare and contrast the definitions of health from a…

Elder Abuse Case study

Elder Abuse Case study essay assignment Elder Abuse Case study essay assignment The study explores research on family violence and provides students with the opportunity to examine some of the most prevalent forms of family violence he/she might encounter working with human service clients: Students will identify questions and the myths surrounding the cycle of…

EBP Impact on Health Assessment

EBP Impact on Health Assessment essay assignment EBP Impact on Health Assessment essay assignment How does evidence-based practice impact health assessment? What are the barriers to implementing evidence-based practice? How do you use evidence-based practice in your current practice? Give examples Describe how we can go to the evidence to answer our questions about best…

Delayed Wound Healing

Delayed Wound Healing essay assignment Delayed Wound Healing essay assignment Case Scenario MS BRANDON., a 23-year-old diabetic, is admitted to the hospital with a cellulitis of her left lower leg. She has been applying heating pads to the leg for the last 48 hours, but the leg has become more painful and she has developed…

Professional Stewardship

Professional Stewardship essay assignment Professional Stewardship essay assignment Interview a fellow peer in your class who works in a different health discipline than you. Begin your interview with the following questions: What is your role as a health care team member? How do you define professionalism and how does professional responsibility influence your work? Do…