Practices To Support Healthcare

Practices To Support Healthcare essay assignment Practices To Support Healthcare essay assignment Quite often, nurse leaders are faced with ethical dilemmas, such as those associated with choices between competing needs and limited resources. Resources are finite, and competition for those resources occurs daily in all organizations. For example, the use of 12-hour shifts has been…

Reliability of Assessment Tools

Reliability of Assessment Tools essay assignment Reliability of Assessment Tools essay assignment Evaluate validity and reliability of assessment tools and diagnostic tests Analyze diversity considerations in health assessments Apply concepts, theories, and principles related to examination techniques, functional assessments, and cultural and diversity awareness in health assessment Apply assessment skills to collect patient health histories…

Pharmacokinetic Case Study

Pharmacokinetic Case Study essay assignment Pharmacokinetic Case Study essay assignment Write a 3-page paper APA in-text citations, 4 references that addresses the following: Explain how the factor you selected might influence the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes in the case study below: Patient HM has a history of atrial fibrillation and a transient ischemic attack (TIA)….

Health Care Provider Reimbursement

Health Care Provider Reimbursement essay assignment Health Care Provider Reimbursement essay assignment To prepare for this week’s discussion, read this article on nursing-sensitive value-based reimbursement by Cleveland, Motter, and Smith (2019). In your discussion response, please address each of the following: (To access the article, click the URL: Explain how health care provider reimbursement…

Skills of Transformational Leader

Skills of Transformational Leader essay assignment Skills of Transformational Leader essay assignment Scenario You are assigned to present at the annual staff training on leadership skills of a transformational leader. This will entail the development of a training module that reflects your understanding and application of transformational leadership to the role of a nursing supervisor….

Research Application In Nursing

Research Application In Nursing essay assignment Research Application In Nursing essay assignment Step 1 Before you focus on your specific topic, consider these questions: What is quantitative research methodology? What types of quantitative research questions would best help you obtain useful quantitative data relating to your problem of interest? How would you approach quantitative research…

Impaired Nurses Programs

Impaired Nurses Programs essay assignment Impaired Nurses Programs essay assignment Step 1 Read the article Impaired Nurses: Reclaiming Careers Step 2 Your initial response to the article should be two paragraphs in length with at least five sentences per paragraph. Your post should reflect any thoughts, pro or con, regarding the treatment of impaired nurses….