Health Conditions Assignment

Health Conditions Assignment essay assignment Health Conditions Assignment essay assignment Health conditions, including heart disease and respiratory infections, have no borders. What happens in one part of the world has ripple effects through the other parts, including the United States. Technology has created an even smaller world, with nurses in instant contact and eager to…

Protocol for Diagnosis

Protocol for Diagnosis essay assignment Protocol for Diagnosis essay assignment As pediatric patients grow from infancy to adolescence, there are many common growth and development and psychosocial issues that may potentially present. As an advanced practice nurse caring for these patients, you must be able to recognize red flags and select age-appropriate assessment and treatment…

Benchmark Assignment – Heritage Assessment

Benchmark Assignment – Heritage Assessment essay  assignment Benchmark Assignment – Heritage Assessment essay assignment Interview three families from different cultures. One family should be from your own culture. Compare the differences in health traditions between these cultures. Assess the three families using the “Heritage Assessment Tool.” In 1,000-1,500 words discuss the usefulness of applying a…

Risk Of Medication Interactions

Risk Of Medication Interactions essay assignment Risk Of Medication Interactions essay assignment Identify the agency and subunit (such as a bureau or office) responsible for implementing the policy. If multiple agencies are involved indicate who is responsible for what. Enforcement: What federal or state agency is responsible for enforcement? What are the key areas for…

Walden University – NURS 6003 Discussion: Strategies for Academic Portfolios

Walden University – NURS 6003 Discussion: Strategies for Academic Portfolios essay assignment Walden University – NURS 6003 Discussion: Strategies for Academic Portfolios essay assignment In this week’s Walden University – NURS 6003 Strategies for Academic Portfolios Discussion you were introduced to the concept of an academic portfolio to begin building your own brand. Portfolios have…

Quality Measurement Discussion

Quality Measurement Discussion essay assignment Quality Measurement Discussion essay assignment Measuring and assessing quality provides a foundation for identifying needs for improvement, developing effective interventions, and then monitoring progress toward desired results. In the Sadeghi, Barzi, Mikhail, and Shabot text, the authors assert that an effort to improve quality “calls for setting outcome and performance…

Philosophical Anthropologies Discussion

Philosophical Anthropologies Discussion essay assignment Philosophical Anthropologies Discussion essay assignment This chart contains a grid for different philosophical anthropologies that answer the question of personhood. Complete the following chart in the context of defining what it means to be human according to Christianity, Materialism, and your own Personal View. Refer to the assigned reading for…

Health Concerns Assignment

Health Concerns Assignment essay assignment Health Concerns Assignment essay assignment For this assignment, you are required to choose one (1) client scenario from the two options given below and address the following criteria: Provide an overview of the chosen client’s chronic condition/illness; Describe two (2) actual and/or potential health concerns for the client; Identify two…

Practice Proposal-Evaluation

Practice Proposal-Evaluation essay assignment Practice Proposal-Evaluation essay assignment Details: In 500-750 words (not including the title page and reference page), develop an evaluation plan to be included in your final evidence-based practice project. Provide the following criteria in the evaluation, making sure it is comprehensive and concise: Describe the rationale for the methods used in…

Diet Analysis

Diet Analysis essay assignment Diet Analysis essay assignment This final part requires you to discuss micronutrients and fluids (non-energy nutrients, water, vitamins, minerals). First, look at vitamin and mineral intakes and for each one, compare your intake with the RDA and identify if you are low, meet or exceed the recommendation. Make a table and…