NURS 6521 Pharmacotherapy for Cardiovascular Disorders

NURS 6521 Pharmacotherapy for Cardiovascular Disorders essay assignment NURS 6521 Pharmacotherapy for Cardiovascular Disorders essay assignment …heart disease remains the No. 1 killer in America; nearly half of all Americans have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or smoke—some of the leading risk factors for heart disease… —Murphy et al., 2018 Despite the high mortality rates…

Pharmacology in health care

Pharmacology in health care essay assignment Pharmacology in health care essay assignment Homework is to be presented as a short (50-100-word) paragraph response for each question. The assignment is to be submitted as a Microsoft Word document electronically to the instructor. Which dosage forms are most appropriate for administering drugs to pediatric patients? Adults? What…

Presentation assignment: Medication

Presentation assignment: Medication essay assignment Presentation assignment: Medication essay assignment Assignment Scenario After graduating from nursing school and passing your boards, you accepted a position as an RN in the emergency center at Rasmussen General Hospital (RGH). In the weeks ahead, your emergency center plans to implement a new initiative where clients diagnosed with low-risk…

Falls Prevention Evidence Application

Falls Prevention Evidence Application essay assignment Falls Prevention Evidence Application essay assignment Students should conduct an Internet search to identify and explore a “falls prevention” program Requirement for the paper Students should complete a two to three paper that addresses the following: Identify and describe the falls prevention program that was investigated. Include the type…

The Medical Staff Coordinator

The Medical Staff Coordinator essay assignment The Medical Staff Coordinator essay assignment The Medical Staff Coordinator has again called upon your expertise in the area of the healthcare law. You have been asked to provide a written discussion on professional liability and medical malpractice. You are asked to provide the information outlined below and use…

Increasing Longevity of Americans

Increasing Longevity of Americans essay assignment Increasing Longevity of Americans essay assignment Given the increasing longevity of Americans and the costs of providing long-term care, anticipation of the costs should be a major element of every family’s financial planning. Current information suggests however, that very few families or individuals give this consideration. What factors might…

Quality of Medical Care

Quality of Medical Care essay assignment Quality of Medical Care essay assignment Definitions of the quality of medical care are no longer left to clinicians who decide for themselves what technical performance constitutes “good care.” What are the other dimensions of quality care and why are they important? What has changed since the days when…

Cybersecurity – The Health Information Technology

Cybersecurity – The Health Information Technology essay assignment Cybersecurity – The Health Information Technology essay assignment The Health Information Technology (HIT) for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act of 2009 increased electronic medical record (EMR) and electronic health records (EHR) adoption across the country, making cybersecurity a growing concern for health care organizations. There are…

Technology Applications in Healthcare Performance Assessment

Technology Applications in Healthcare Performance Assessment essay assignment Technology Applications in Healthcare Performance Assessment essay assignment Create a planning, organizing, directing, controlling (PODC) HIPAA training model by doing the following: 1. Describe how you would teach the hospital employees the rules and regulations regarding HIPAA. a. Identify three appropriate types of PHI that can be…