Mental Health for EMS Providers

Mental Health for EMS Providers  essay assignment Mental Health for EMS Providers essay assignment Abstract: Working as a paramedic exposes individuals to the risk of witnessing life-threatening circumstances and other traumatizing experiences.  Such events may result in symptoms of stress that affect the functioning of the paramedics. This is a well-known problem, but it is…

Nursing Advocacy Presentation

Nursing Advocacy Presentation essay assignment Nursing Advocacy Presentation essay assignment Describe the advocacy topic you have selected with the following information: 1. Include a problem statement in a single sentence. 2. State why this topic or problem is significant to nursing leaders 3. State one (1) overarching aim that identifies the expected final outcome of…

Medical Errors in Hospitals

Medical Errors in Hospitals essay assignment Medical Errors in Hospitals essay assignment The purpose of this assignment is to describe the roles and responsibilities of health care management in addressing contemporary health care issue. Consider the health care environment in which you currently work or plan to work, and select a specific health care organization…

Researchers orientation And Evaluation

Researchers orientation And Evaluation essay assignment Researchers orientation And Evaluation essay assignment In phase 3 we will examine a research study titled: “Translating evidence to practice in the health professions: a randomized trial of Twitter vs Facebook”  As future advance practice clinicians, how are you going to translate your evidence into the health field? Request…

Acute Pelvic Pain

Acute Pelvic Pain essay assignment Acute Pelvic Pain essay assignment Acute pelvic pain is defined as pain of less than three months duration. Discuss a common diagnosis of acute pelvic pain in a woman of child-bearing years or a woman who is postmenopausal. How does a focused history and physical guide your work up? What…

Disease outbreaks And Preventions

Disease outbreaks And Preventions essay assignment Disease outbreaks And Preventions essay assignment Prepare: Step 1: Prepare a shortened version of your Final Paper (at least four pages) by including the following: Introduction paragraph and thesis statement you developed for your Week 3 Assignment. Background information of the global societal issue you have chosen. Brief argument…

Revenue Cycle Plan

Revenue Cycle Plan essay assignment Revenue Cycle Plan essay assignment Prepare a revenue cycle plan for a community hospital.  Include the following information in your plan: Introduction Evaluation of clinical data required for payment and reimbursement systems (PPS, DRG, RBRVS, RUGs, VBP, Billing/insurance plans). Explanation of chargemaster and claims management applications and processes. Assess effect…