Ethics in Diverse Hiring Practices

This week’s readings have dealt with the important issues of ethics, diversity, and social responsibility. Many people consider these issues to be inter-related or overlapping aspects of doing business in the 21st century. An organization’s diverse stakeholders can, and generally do, have diverse opinions and varied expectations concerning what constitutes ethical behavior and socially responsible…

Professional Boundaries

Select one of the scenarios presented and discuss the boundary concerns you observed as it relates to professional ethics. Include comments on how you would have handled the situation. (Note: disregard the references made about a video guide that accompanies the film.) Support your statements with evidence from the Required Studies and your research. Cite…

Nursing assignment paper

Develop educational course for nursing students on the nursing process, critical thinking and the implementation needed to deliver quality nursing care   1. Measure terminal learning objectives 2. course outline 3> Teaching strategies 4, Resources that will be used 5. Handouts that help students with nursing process and critical thinking

Conflict Management Styles

You considered how ethical, moral, and legal dilemmas can provoke internal conflict when a nurse’s values are not in alignment with the apparent demands of a situation or with others’ values, as well as external conflict that can arise as these dynamics are played out. Of course, conflict can also emerge through seemingly simple issues…