Documentation Issues

Based on the information you have learned in the course so far and the readings analyze the advantages and disadvantages of charting by exception when faced with a malpractice lawsuit. Discuss how you would correct mistakes in a medical chart and the formatting of your documentation when witnessing an adverse patient occurrence. How would these…

Global Sociology

Read the Global Sociology box on p. 39 in the text, then respond to the following questions in 200 to 300 words: o If you were visiting and studying the Yanomamo, describe what you would have done to prepare yourself for possible culture shock. o Describe a personal experience you have had where you experienced…

Elements of Fiction Essay

Write a 2-page elements of fiction essay on one of the short stories, or the poem, from the assigned readings for Module 01. Explain the following in your paper: Key historical events which influenced the piece: Expand on how the key historical events influenced the plot and theme. Setting: Why is the setting important to…

Interview with a Senior Citizen

This required Portfolio assignment will give you experience observing and interacting with people outside of the classroom. It has been designed to provide you with the opportunity to develop skills, synthesize knowledge, and integrate learning in a real world setting. This assignment accomplishes that goal by challenging you to: ·         conduct a semi-structured interview with an elderly…

Question and Literature Review

The theoretical foundations of qualitative and quantitative methods are very different, but many researchers believe both methods should be used in the research study to increase validity and reliability.   What advantages or disadvantages do you see in using both types of methods in a nursing study? Support your answer with current evidence-based literature.

Discussion—Managing Finance

The Genesis Energy operations management team was excited to understand the various options for securing financing to fund the rapid growth plans. The team was surprised by the cost associated with using funds supplied by others after accounting for risk of investments in its small but profitable company. Sensible Essential Consulting explained how the cost…

Disorders of Motor Function

John is 63 years old and receives home care by an occupational therapist twice a week. His therapist is currently working with John on maintaining joint flexibility and balance. John demonstrates resting tremor, so his therapist is also working on adaptive techniques, so John can continue to use his hands to write, use the computer,…

Plant Kingdom Plantae

Angiosperms (flowering plants) are the largest Phylum in the plant kingdom Plantae. (Note that the Phylum Angiospermophyta may also be called Anthophyta or Magnoliophyta in different classification systems.) These plants have true roots, stems, leaves, and flowers. The roots grow into the soil to anchor the plant in place and take up water and nutrients….

Ambulatory Care

Ambulatory care encompasses a diverse and growing sector of the healthcare delivery system. Physician services are the chief component. Hospital outpatient and emergency departments, community health centers, departments of health, and voluntary agencies also contribute important services, however, particularly for underserved and vulnerable populations. Today, patients have many options for how and where they spend…