Design thinking Script

Reflect on the content covered throughout the entire course. Utilizing what you learned about design thinking this week, create a script that can be used to create a voice-over presentation or video in Week Six. Review the Capstone rubric and Capstone: It’s Not Scary slide presentation. Your script should include: During this course, I came…

Health heritage of the Appalachian and Arab people

Please read chapter 8 and 9 of the class textbook. Once done answer the following questions; 1.  Please discuss health heritage of the Appalachian and Arab people and how their cultural beliefs influence the delivery of health care (focus on community care). 2.  Mention at least 2 health practices of the Appalachian and Arab people and if there is any pros…

The Chronicles of a Leader Journal Overview

The Chronicles of a Leader journal is an activity in which your leadership experiences are utilized to promote self-reflection, analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT), and track your leadership progress. The journal will also supplement your understanding of leadership theory and application in public health. Journal Entry 3: What strategies would you use…

War and Peace

The origin and source of human violence is a central topic for anthropologists. Cross-cultural studies show evidence of both peaceful and violent societies. In this discussion, choose to answer one of the prompts below. Choose only one: Some argue that gender roles play a part in the extent      of violence in a society. Based on…

Nursing and culture

Describe the health beliefs of the African American and Amish people and how they are differ 2. Mention the difference between the African American and the Amish communities regarding health care. 3. If there any similarity between the African American and the Amish population. As always and stated in the syllabus present your assignment in…