Sexual Challenges and Stigmas

Sexual Challenges and Stigmas essay assignment Sexual Challenges and Stigmas essay assignment Members of marginalized groups in the LGBTQ+ population face a number of challenges from the impact of bias and discrimination. The research suggests that the result of shame and discrimination take both a physical and mental toll of these groups. For this assignment,…

Racial Inequality in America and Solutions

Racial Inequality in America and Solutions essay assignment Racial Inequality in America and Solutions essay assignment Construct a sociological research proposal involving a research question, theory, and annotated bibliography.? Research Topics are listed below. You will need to address an issue of inequality, injustice, and/or equity related to your research topic. Clearly state the research…

Settler Colonialism Comparison and Contrast

Settler Colonialism Comparison and Contrast essay assignment Settler Colonialism Comparison and Contrast essay assignment Description………  For this week’s post, please post a minimum 375-word reflection comparing and contrasting one of this week’s readings with either one video or other supplemental resource provided (any of your choice). Please “report” on the main conclusions you were…

Society to Shape Health and Organize Healthcare

Society to Shape Health and Organize Healthcare essay assignment Society to Shape Health and Organize Healthcare essay assignment Question/prompt: From the initial course materials, what have you learned about the ways in which societies shape health and organize healthcare? Your discussion should explicitly incorporate both of the readings by Clarke, and the reading by Yearby….

SYP 3110 FAU Invisibilia – The Pattern Problem

SYP 3110 FAU Invisibilia – The Pattern Problem essay assignment SYP 3110 FAU Invisibilia – The Pattern Problem essay assignment Listen to one of the podcast episodes listed below. You should use and define 5 course concepts as you summarize the podcast. Please underline and bold the course concept (not the entire definition). The response should be approximately 2…

Sexual Orientation

Sexual Orientation essay assignment Sexual Orientation essay assignment 1.  Based on the Module Sexual Orientation lecture: What does it mean to say that sexuality is socially constructed?  Explain with examples two ways that LGBTQIA+ individuals face stigma/discrimination in the US.  From the reading (30)Zangari, Low, Query:  What does it mean to identify as asexual?  Explain…

Social Identity

Social Identity essay assignment Social Identity essay assignment Goal 1. Demonstrate understanding of sociological theories and concepts related to social identity (including, but not limited to race, gender, class, sexuality, etc.). Assessment 1. This goal will be assessed via the terms and concepts noted in the annotation. Beyond naming the concepts, students should be able to define…

Equitable Tax Proposals

Equitable Tax Proposals essay assignment Equitable Tax Proposals essay assignment Task: Identify policies (examples) that use the 4 differing conceptions of equity listed below Equal Value (Individuals are given according to how much they value something) Equal Rank (Individuals are given based on position in a hierarchy) Equal Time (One day, Group A got larger…