Gender Sex and Sexuality

Gender Sex and Sexuality essay assignment Gender Sex and Sexuality essay assignment This week we have learned about the concept of doing gender.  As West and Zimmerman explain, gender is an activity rather than a static category.  We do gender every day.  And as an action, it should be theoretically possible for people to re-do…

SOC 101 Strayer Personality Trait in Lakeisha Case Study

SOC 101 Strayer Personality Trait in Lakeisha Case Study essay assignment SOC 101 Strayer Personality Trait in Lakeisha Case Study essay assignment Overview As you continue to practice the psychological concepts you’re learning in this course, you’re honing the problem solving and self and social awareness skills that will help you navigate social situations in…

SOC205 Week 9 Addiction Abuse: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

SOC205 Week 9 Addiction Abuse: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy essay assignment SOC205 Week 9 Addiction Abuse: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy essay assignment Instructions choose an evidence based treatment from the list below, get information on it from reputable sources (academic journals and government websites), and answer questions about the treatment. I recommend first searching on the SAMHSA’s…

Asylum Immigration Review

Asylum Immigration Review essay assignment Asylum Immigration Review essay assignment This week we are learning about asylum. We learned that in order to apply for asylum, the applicant must have experienced a form of “persecution” in their home country. Attached are two BIA cases (CAL.pdf and AEM.pdf). Please pick one of the attached cases to…

Diversity and Ethics Cover Letter

Diversity and Ethics Cover Letter essay assignment Diversity and Ethics Cover Letter essay assignment Thoughtfully reflect on past experiences as they relate to consideration of diverse and ethical perspectives. Identify relevant sociological concepts that tie to the situation posed. Apply diverse and ethical perspectives to a decision-making process. Provide specific examples from personal experience or…

Drug Use and Abuse

Drug Use and Abuse essay assignment Drug Use and Abuse essay assignment Discuss the issues associated with anabolic sterodd use. What are the difference between estrogen and testosterone? Identify the ingredients in the combination birth control and identify the risk associated with using it and the various other methods of contraception. What are some the…

Contribution of Race to Mental Health Issues

Contribution of Race to Mental Health Issues essay assignment Contribution of Race to Mental Health Issues essay assignment For the research paper project, students will review 8 peer-reviewed journal articles about their topic. For this section of the assignment, however, students need to identify 3-4 potential sources. The articles must come from scholarly/peer-reviewed journals, need…

Anti Gang Programs

Anti Gang Programs essay assignment Anti Gang Programs essay assignment This week you will watch the two videos, listed below, and then collaborate with team members to write your essay response to the Chapter 10 “Discussion Topics” Question #3. What will each team member do on their own? Watch the following videos: 1) How Racial…