PHIL 1001 Students Conceptualization of Philosophy

PHIL 1001 Students Conceptualization of Philosophy essay assignment PHIL 1001 Students Conceptualization of Philosophy essay assignment Discuss your conceptualization of the concept ‘philosophy,’ and its implications in the teaching and studying of philosophy in your university. This essay is expected to articulate, expose, and critically discuss your meaning-making process in understanding the concept ‘philosophy.’ It…

PHI 2010 Introduction to Philosophy Skepticism

PHI 2010 Introduction to Philosophy Skepticism essay assignment PHI 2010 Introduction to Philosophy Skepticism essay assignment Describe the theory of knowledge called skepticism. Consider the skeptic’s charge that we can never be  confident about the reliability of our normal sources of knowledge  (perceptions, memory, introspection, and reasoning.) Describe why and  how, for each of the 4 sources…

Issues of Overpopulation Consumption and Resource Depletion

Issues of Overpopulation Consumption and Resource Depletion essay assignment Issues of Overpopulation Consumption and Resource Depletion essay assignment Write a 5 page paper on one of the following questions: 1.   Does nature have intrinsic value in itself, value only in relation to human beings, or no value at all?  What are two of the most…

Themes Explored in Platos Cave

Themes Explored in Platos Cave essay assignment Themes Explored in Platos Cave essay assignment Three Major Writing Assignments: Introduction to Philosophy Essay One: Beginning to Philosophize Write an  essay of 3-6 pages. Your essay should have a formal introduction, body, and conclusion. Before writing the paper you should read Plato’s Cave, The Apology, The Symposium, and view our…

Constructive Deductive & Inductive Arguments

Constructive Deductive & Inductive Arguments essay assignment Constructive Deductive & Inductive Arguments essay assignment Arguments consist of premises and conclusions. Premises are structured so as to lend support to conclusions. The kind of support that a premise lends to a conclusion allows us to distinguish between deductive and inductive arguments. This week, you will be…

HUM 100 Human Creative Expression and Culture Worksheet

HUM 100 Human Creative Expression and Culture Worksheet essay assignment HUM 100 Human Creative Expression and Culture Worksheet essay assignment Review the article Making Asian American Women Visible: The Joy Luck Club and complete the second table using information provided in this activity. In the first column, identify an example from the article demonstrating how Tan’s novel…